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Real Estate Marketing Basics

Real Estate Marketing Basics


Real estate marketing is pretty competitive today with the housing market the way that it is. If you aren’t good at getting people interested in what you have to sell you are pretty much out of luck. These marketing tips will help get you off on the right foot and hopefully give you an edge over competitors.

Craigslist is the favorite market place for many real estate agents. There are a huge number of local people who frequent the pages of Craigslist on a daily basis. If you are having a hard time getting much interest on Craigslist try implementing moveable images. With moveable images you can show more of your properties in an interesting way. They not only convey more information, but they will catch the eye of visitors and your conversion rate will go up.

In order to make an animated picture you need to get a series of your pictures and turn them into gif images. Then you go to an online gif animator and turn them into one animated picture. Then it is as simple as loading your image to Craigslist for people to see it and buy your houses.

Email marketing is an excellent method for selling houses if you have a decent sized email list of prospective buyers. To get your email list you should put a small opt-in box on your website and offer a perk for opting in. You could offer a discount, or free closing, or anything else that buyers might be interested in. When they opt in you get their email and add it to your list.

After you have a nice long list of names you simply find houses you think they will like and send them to them in a well formatted email. Since you know they are buyers they will be interested in what you have to show them and if you have a big enough list you should be able to sell homes easily.

That massive user base that Facebook has makes it an excellent way to sell houses. Simply put up a fan page and show high quality images for your latest listings. The added exposure that you get to your houses should help draw in customers. You can get added exposure by making posts for some of your best houses once and awhile.

Pinterest is a brand new site but it is already exploding with people. Since it is graphical simply pin high quality images from your site to Pinterest. It will bring in traffic to your site and it only takes a few minutes.

With this set of tips you can improve your real estate marketing and sell more houses with less effort. Not only are most of them easy to implement but they really work and should be used by any real estate agent who wants to make more money.

Tori is a real estate consultant specializing in real estate marketing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tori_Junipelo

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