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How To Cultivate Success In Your New Real Estate Investing Business

I remember being a brand new real estate entrepreneur and wondering, “what does it really take to achieve massive success?” I wasn’t interested in a making a few bucks here and there. I have always felt that if you are going to do something, do it well. Like Donald Trump says, “If you’re going to be thinking anyways, you might as well think big.”

If you are brand new to real estate investing, you may be feeling completely overwhelmed with all there is to know and do. Let’s face it, real estate investing is very different from many other entrepreneurial pursuits available. To be successful you need an amazing team to back you up, you need stay on top of where the good deals are, when to buy and when to sell. There can be substantial risk involved if you are uneducated or don’t have the right people in place.

As an established mentor to new real estate entrepreneurs in the Dallas area and nationally, I am passionate about sharing the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years, with aspiring real estate entrepreneurs.

Here are my top 3 strategies to cultivating success in your real estate investing business:

1. The Feeling of Success Matters

You may be thinking, “I will feel successful once I have x amount of dollars,” or “I will feel successful after I have ‘XYZ Car’ and live in the neighborhood of my dreams.” The truth is, before anything can come to pass, it must first be a thought in your mind. The majority of our society operates with the following mindset: “Have, Do, Be.” However, reality works in the opposite manner. You must first be the person you wish to become. This means cultivating the feeling of success in your daily life, as it is now. Then you must do the things successful people do. As a result, you will reap the rewards of a successful entrepreneur. The book “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, still remains one of the most valuable resources an entrepreneur can have.

2. Your Associations Matter

It is human nature to adopt the habits and mindset of those around you. If you spend time with those who are constantly “unlucky,” complaining about the day, the economy and their loud neighbors, their attitude will rub off on you. You have a duty to yourself and to your business to protect your ‘mental real estate’ with the same fierce approach you would have with your own children. Do you let your children watch violent movies? Of course not. Why? Because you know that by absorbing that violence, a part of them will come to believe that violence is okay and normal. However, many people believe that when they are an “adult” they can control what their brain absorbs. The truth is, you can’t. Your subconscious mind is both extremely powerful and sensitive at the same time. Therefore, turn your “associations meter” on full force and begin spending more time with those who empower you, and less time with those who drag you down.

3. Action is KING

As a new real estate investor it is easy to become overwhelmed. It can also be just as easy to get “stuck” with “paralysis of analysis.” Realize that much of the knowledge required to achieve success in real estate is acquired through experience. The mistakes you make are the cost of your “tuition.” You don’t have to know everything, to do something. An excellent way to keep yourself action-oriented is to find a local mentor who can guide you down the right path. It is also wise to join a community of real estate investors to help you further your own success.

Approach your business with a successful attitude from the start, choose your associations wisely, and above all take action! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count.

Tyson Dudley is a real estate entrepreneur based in Dallas, Texas, who specializes in mentoring aspiring real estate investors. You can download a free copy of Tyson’s exclusive report, “Real Estate Investing 101: What The Gurus ‘Forgot’ To Tell You,” athttp://www.TysonDudley.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyson_Dudley

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